It is no secret that T.I. does not look back on his time working with Iggy Azalea fondly, and the rapper had made his stance on the situation clear in the past.
Tiny Harris‘s husband sees this part of his career as a stain on his progress, and regrets ever working with the Australian femcee in the first place.
Azalea has been a controversial figure on the rap scene for a while, making various outrageous statements in her lyrics that have drawn a lot of negative attention to her.
In the end, T.I. started to back out of his professional relationship with her at some point, and not many could blame him.
He stated: “I’m still actively looking for another female rapper who can undo the blunder of Iggy Azalea. That is the tarnish of my legacy as far as [being] a [music] executive is concerned. To me, this is like when Michael Jordan went to play baseball.”
However, Azalea has recently spoken out about the situation herself, claiming that she had nothing to do with T.I. in general, and did not want to be involved in any discussions about his career or current feelings.
The “Fancy” singer had this response: “Imagine thinking I was his biggest blunder lmaooooooooo. Tip. Sweetie. We have a whole list for you.”
One person had this reaction: “He wasn’t calling her career a blunder when “Fancy” was the #1 song in the country & was being played 24/7. Who forced T.I.P. to sign her, though? ?”
Another commenter revealed: “She literally has the longest #1 in Billboard history for female rappers. He needs to sharpen up! I bet he cashed them checks tho.”
This music lover wrote: “T.I. was actually foul for that. Iggy had a major moment. It didn’t last, but she had it. How can it be labeled a mistake? It was all good when she was selling millions of singles, though… Hate flip flop people like that.”
A fourth observer explained: “She was cool when she first came out how fast ppl forget ?? that’s low don’t down talk someone you once supported that’s low.”
Some have speculated that T.I.’s whole issue with the situation is actually with Nicki Minaj, not so much with Azalea herself, alluding to the fact that the “Anaconda” artist was suspiciously missing from T.I.’s recent compilation of top rappers.
The rumors say that T.I. was disappointed that his “project,” Azalea, was crushed so dramatically by Minaj once she took over the scene, and this might also be the reason behind his decision to disassociate himself with Azalea in recent years.
However, this is just the subject of speculation at this point and has not been confirmed by any party involved in the rumors.