Actor Shemar Moore is going through a roller coaster of emotions after the abrupt cancellation of his hit series S.W.A.T.
On social media, Moore has decided to pour his heart out and explain his pain, anger, and hope for the show. Moore also took the opportunity to put CBS on blast for many reasons, including the fact that they “are playing politics and not diverse enough.”
Moore appeared in the video looking emotionally drained from the cancellation news. Even though the clip was filmed at night, Moore said he had to hide his weeping and emotional eyes behind sunglasses.
He confessed to having deep sorrow about the end of S.W.A.T. The action drama series was on the air for six seasons. Moore was cast as the lead actor and was also a producer on the highly entertaining program.
The series featured a diverse cast that pushed uplifting and positive storylines, even though it was focused on various wild crimes committed in Los Angeles.
Moore, who played Sergeant II Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson Jr, revealed that he was blindsided by the network’s decision.
He claimed that CBS’ heads lied to him and his co-stars for weeks by falsely claiming that S.W.A.T. had at least one more season.
Moore stated that the cancellation of S.W.A.T. is mind-boggling because it is the top-rated show on Friday nights.
He began his lengthy monologue by focusing on the positive ratings of the series.
He stated: “It makes no sense… We’re the best show on Friday night at 8 o’clock for CBS. For the last two years, we’ve been killing it. We’ve done nothing wrong. We did everything that was asked for. Let me tell the truth: did you know that I am the only African American male lead on network television? Not streaming, not cable — network television.”
Shemar Moore continued by putting CBS on blast for axing the most diverse show on the network: “CBS, when I got hired to be Hondo in SWAT, was getting a lot of flack for lack of diversity. If I post this, and I think I might, I will get in a lot of trouble with C.B.S. because I’m calling them out. Because they’ve been wonderful to me for 26 out of my 29-year career.”
Moore claimed that CBS promised season 7 of S.W.A.T. only to walk back their words.
He shared: “But to abruptly get told that you’re canceled when you led us to believe last week — and the week before, and the week before that — that we would have some semblance of a season seven to at least say goodbye, if not continue. And to abruptly be told, ‘You’re done.”
MKoore claimed politics and money were the reasons behind CBS’s decision.
He stated: “They said we’re canceled, but guess what? I don’t think we’re done. CBS. is either gonna wake up and realize they made a mistake. Sony is gonna do their math and realize that this is not the right move. I hope we can have a kumbaya and come back together and continue this show because it’s a good time for families across the world.”
He also spoke about those who will be directly impacted by the sad news. Moore ended on a hopeful note by saying that it is not yet over because he will do his best for S.W.A.T. season 7 to happen, possibly on another network or streaming giant.
He said: “If it is the end, life will go on. I’m not worried about me, I care about my family, my crew, the writers, the producers, the caterers, the wardrobe, the sound mixers, the teamsters, and the construction crew. That’s a whole lot of people that are abruptly being told that you don’t matter. ‘Sorry. Thanks for your services. Good luck in finding a new job.’ And to me, that’s not OK. I’m not bitter. I’m a little bit sad. I understand it’s not personal — it’s business — but I still have faith that S.W.A.T will live to see another day. I don’t know where I don’t know how.”
He went on to ask his fans to help him out by sharing: “My homies, my fans, and my baby girls; and the rest of the world who follow me or follow the show, follow the cast, my brothers and my sisters: Make some f%%ing noise. And let them know that canceling S.W.A.T. is a f%%ing mistake. Anybody who works with me, I’ve got nothing but love for, nothing but respect for you. Nah, this ain’t the way to go out. If we’re gonna go out, cool, but let us go out right.”
Other members of the cast of S.W.A.T. include David Lim, Stephanie Sigman, Alex Russell, Lina Esco, Kenny Johnson, Peter Onorati, Jay Harrington, Patrick St. Esprit, Amy Farrington, and Rochelle Aytes.