Wendy Williams, who is dealing with addiction issues and is living in a sober house, has found herself in a lot of troubles these past weeks, and the drama is coming from multiple sides.
The host has recently been accused of having problems with racism and ageism on her show by some of her fans, who claim that Williams had acted in a discriminating manner towards a specific group of people.
The whole situation revolves around an incident which had a regular fan of the show arriving to watch a taping.
At some point during the incident, a coordinator arrived and announced that she would take away older people’s tickets. Afterward, the fan and his group of friends were quickly escorted from the premises.
Diane Stevens, an audience member, told Page Six: “I was coming from The Bronx, and I had to take a bus and two trains. So because we have canes, they let us sit down inside the audience holding [area]. Then the audience coordinator comes on the headset, and she looks at us and says into the headset, ‘I am taking the tickets from the older people. It was so humiliating.”
The whole incident has been described as humiliating by those who had to suffer the consequences.
Furthermore, the audience members who were affected claimed that their tickets were later handed down to several black women.
This has sparked further controversy over the situation, as many have started to accuse Williams of showing a clear preference for her race, while also discriminating against the elderly.
The host has not responded to the accusations herself. However, a spokesperson for her show gave a very generic response.
They said that they have the best audience in the daytime and that they always attempt to provide an entertaining environment to everyone present in the audience.
The statement read: “We have the best audience in daytime and we provide a welcoming, fun environment for all of Wendy’s co-hosts [as Williams refers to her audience].”
That did not seem to please many, and in fact, the response has only worked to get people even more annoyed at the behavior Williams and her show have displayed on February 14, the day of the incident.