President Donald Trump has confirmed the theory that his predecessor, Barack Obama, is indeed living in his head rent-free.
The President did a press conference on Monday where he was asked about the topic that keeps millions of Americans up at night — the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump was asked about the alarming rise of new COVID-19 cases all accross the country, which has caused states like California, Michigan, and Georgia to go on partial lockdown again.
Data shows that the virus has killed more than 135,000 Americans and infected more than 3.3 million. When Trump was asked about the mishandling of the virus, he rapidly shifted the blame on the Obama administration.
Trump once more pushed the fake and downright bizarre theory that increased testing is the reason why there is a massive hike in U.S. COVID-19 cases.
He also spoke about the Obama administration’s handling of the 2009 H1N1 flu that took the lives of 12,500 Americans.
The 74-year-old politician explained to the reporter: “We have one of the lowest mortality rates anywhere. Biden and Obama stopped their testing. They just stopped it. You probably know that. I’m sure you don’t want to report it. But they stopped testing. Right in the middle, they just went, ‘No more testing.'”
Back in March, Trump also blamed the former president for failing the voters who elected him to office.
He stated: “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing. And we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion.”
A voter lashed out at Trump by saying: “The Coronavirus started 3 1/2 years after Obama left office, who knows what he is talking about.”
An angry social media user had this to say about Trump’s inaccurate and made-up comments about Obama: “Trump forgot he is President and blames Obama for it all. Keep Barack name out your mouth, sir ?This country has lost its backbone, bc of blatant lies, misinformation, and distorting the truth. One could have a million degrees, but if ppl choose to pass along misinformation (lies), bc it fits in with their agenda, then quite frankly it makes them look biased, misinformed, and if they actually know better, a plain old liar.”
An Arizona man had this to say: “That’s not how that works…the cases exist regardless of if it is reported…but by reporting it we can prevent spreading it… I wish he would keep my President’s name out his mouth.”
Trump’s handling of the pandemic has hurt his reelection chances against former Vice President Joe Biden.