It seems that President Donald Trump, like millions of other viewers tuned in to CNN’s New Day which gave a preview of former Vice President Joe Biden’s speech that he was set to deliver in Iowa later on Tuesday.
According to the network, former President Barack Obama’s VP “eviscerates” Trump in his remarks.
Biden claimed that Trump is an “existential threat” to the United States and went on to slam him on his war on trade with China, climate change, and his dismantlement of the Affordable Care At.
In the much-talked-about speech, the Democrat said: “There’s a lot of ways Trump fails the basic standard to be president — but one of them is this: Donald, it’s not about you. It’s about America.”
Mr. Biden also stated: “Did he do anything to signal that he’s prepared to walk away from the thugs he’s embraced on the world stage — from Putin to Kim Jong Un? No. He did none of that. Instead, he gets up in the middle of the night to attack Bette Midler. He attacks the mayor of London. He attacks the American Speaker of the House. It was a stunning display of childishness for the whole world to see.”
Aware of Biden’s attacks, Trump did not hold back. The former reality TV star turned politician claimed that Biden has deteriorated mentally and is unfit for office.
Oddly enough, many of Trump’s opponents have claimed that he is not mentally and emotionally stable enough to govern.
While talking to a group of reporters on the South Lawn, Trump said the following: “When a man has to mention my name 76 times in one speech, he’s in trouble. Now, I have to tell you; he’s totally a different guy. He looks very different than he used to; he acts different then he used to. He’s even much slower than he used to be. So I don’t know. But when he mentions my name that many times, I guess I should be complimented by that.”
He added: “I like running against people who are weak mentally. Well, I heard Biden, who’s a loser – look, Joe never got more than 1 percent except Obama took him off the trash heap, and now it looks like he’s failing.”
Biden is leading the polls in the Democratic primary nomination process and is also currently ahead Mr. Trump in general election matchups.