Woman Practicing Extreme Yoga Falls 80 Feet Off Her Balcony — Was She Posing For A Photo?

Alexa Terrazas Lopez Extreme Yoga Balcony Fall Mexico

A college student from Mexico named Alexa Terrazas Lopez, 23, has miraculously survived an 80-foot fall.

The woman was on a sixth-floor apartment balcony in Nuevo Leon in Mexico’s north-east last Saturday afternoon when she decided to practice extreme yoga poses on her balcony, and accidentally fell off.

Terrazas Lopez was known for her antics already and had apparently received multiple warnings from her friends about the dangerous hobby, but the young woman had chosen to ignore all of that in the end.

She is reportedly studying at the Monterrey Institute of Technology to become a health and nutritionist specialist and is the daughter of well-known entrepreneur Alberto Terrazas Seyfert.

Details of the incident are still blurry, but pictures showing the student performing other risky poses have shed some light on how she could have fallen down.

Many have criticized her behavior, accusing her of wasting the time of first responders and physicians with her reckless stunts.

According to the Mexican media outlet, El Imparcial, many neighbors revealed that they often saw Terrazas Lopez perform the dangerous and crazy stunt from her balcony’s edge.

Her social media pages show her jumping from a helicopter in one photo while in another she is hanging upside down from a zip line.

Physicians have reportedly had to perform reconstructive surgery on her legs, and she will have to be in a wheelchair for a long time as a result of her actions.

Friends say the student required 11 hours of surgery in total to save her life, as the woman had suffered 100 fractured bones all over her body, including her head.

Her legs were reportedly in particularly bad shape, and physicians have predicted that she might need up to three years before she is able to walk again.

Via social media, her close friends and family members have asked people with blood group A+ to donate.

One message read: “She doesn’t need any more blood, but she does need platelets. It’s a painful and sad life lesson.”

With that in mind, it is very likely that the woman will put her extreme yoga session behind her at this point.

Her supporters are hopeful that she will not decide to reignite her “passion” after regaining her ability to walk, although it is not clear what is going through her head at the moment, so anything is possible.

The Nuevo Leon Attorney General’s office said they looked into the incident and found that the balcony’s rail did not have any structural damage.

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Mujer Cae Ocho Pisos Por Hacer Yoga Extremo Una fotografía difundida en redes sociales dio a conocer como Alexa Terrazas de 25 años, cayó del piso ocho de un edificio de apartamentos, ubicado en el municipio metropolitano de San Pedro en Nuevo León, mientras realizaba una posición de yoga extremo colgada del balcón de su departamento. La estudiante del Tecnológico de Monterrey, se encuentra en estado grave después de sufrir múltiples fracturas en todo el cuerpo. Alexa, originaria de Chihuahua, hacia yoga colgada de cabeza, sosteniéndose de los muslos, cuando repentinamente perdió el equilibrio y cayó de una altura de 82 pies. Médicos del Hospital Zambrano Hellion se están esmerando por salvarle la vida, solicitaron la ayuda de 100 donadores de sangre. FOTO EN EL LINK DE MI BIO #ElChiquilínTodasLasMañanas #Chiquilín #Chorizodfw #DoñaMela #CristinaZúñiga #LaGrande1075 #radio #Dallas #FortWorth #NortedeTexas #fotografía #redessociales #AlexaTerrazas #25años #pisoocho #apartamentos #SanPedro #NuevoLeón #yogaextremo #balcón #estudiante #TecnológicodeMonterrey #estadograve #múltiplesfracturas #cuerpo #colgadadecabeza

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