Garth Pursehouse, the person, who is held responsible for the murder of renowned Hollywood sex therapist, Amie Harwick, 38, had been set free after paying a $2 million bond.
The alleged murderer, Pursehouse, was released from detention on Tuesday evening, after spending just three days in jail.
The 41-year-old was taken into custody because it is believed that he killed Harwick by throwing her from the terrace of her apartment.
For the time being, it remains unknown if Pursehouse is the main suspect of the case or when he will be going to trial. Experts say he might be eligible for the death penalty in California after being charged with murder and first-degree residential burglary with the special circumstance allegation of lying in wait.
Pursehouse’s release from jail came at the same time that an old video from his Instagram page was brought to light.
In the video clip, which was posted by Pursehouse last May, the suspected criminal can be seen making a joke about the popular Game of Thrones scene, in which Jamie Lannister throws Brandon Stark from the window of a high tower.
He stated at the time: “Okay, Game of Thrones, first season. The brother and sister (Cersei and Jamie Lannister) are up in the castle and then the kid (Bran Stark) sees them through the window and the brother has to throw the kid off to kill him. Even though it’s evil, I feel kind of bad for the brother, because even though he doesn’t want to do it, his sister incest-ed”
Following the uncovering of the old post, some of its viewers remarked that the video clip showed what Garth was intending to do.
Harwick and Pursehouse were dating in the past, but their relationship ended about ten years ago, and they did not separate on good terms, because Harwick got two restraining orders against her former boyfriend, one in 2011 and another in 2012.
According to friends of the victim, the sex therapist lived in constant fear that her ex-boyfriend was going to hurt her. She was reportedly texting with her best friend, Robert Coshland, fifteen minutes before her death.
Harwick was popular for her therapeutic work in Hollywood, where she consulted couples and families. Besides, she rose to prominence when she authored the bestseller, The New Sex Bible for Women
Harwick got engaged to comedian and TV host Drew Carey in January 2018; they ended things in November of that same year, however, they remained friends.
Carey put out the following statement: “I would like to thank you in advance for giving myself and everyone who loved Amie privacy while we try to work through this tragic situation.”
The Los Angeles County coroner’s office said Harwick suffered “manual strangulation” before she was thrown off her third-floor balcony.
Authorities have revealed that Harwick and Pursehouse were in touch or met in the last two weeks before the murder. His arraignment is set for March 4.
Online commenters say the system has failed her. One person wrote: “The system failed you. My heart breaks for the loss of your life and how your positivity impacted others. Ugh. Just not fair.”
A second observer added: “I did not know of you before you passed, but even so I am very sad to hear you are gone. You cared about the work you did, work that was important. The world is lesser without you in it. I hope you are at peace.”
Pursehouse was rearrested on Wednesday and no bail has been set this time.