Rachel Brummert has revealed that despite being in self-isolation for almost one month, she has tested positive for the coronavirus, and she believes she got it from her groceries.
The woman, who resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, has conducted an interview to share her story and revealed the mistakes she has made that led to her contracting the virus.
Brummert explained that she decided to stay home for the past three weeks because she is very vulnerable to COVID-19 due to her poor health.
The woman revealed that she suffers from an autoimmune disorder. She shares the home with her husband, but they opted to live in separate rooms.
Brummert said while shielding herself in her home; she had a woman deliver groceries at her doorsteps. She did not make any contact with the person helping her — the woman would place the bags on the steps in front of her door, and she would collect them once she left.
Note that Brummert also admitted that she saw a pharmacist three weeks ago.
The filmmaker said she did not follow the guidelines and did not wear gloves when bringing the bags from her front porch to her home. She also confessed that she did not wipe down the groceries upon receiving them.
Brummert said she firmly believes that she caught the disease from a bag of groceries delivered to her door. The woman who used to help her with her groceries has also tested positive for COVID-19.
In mid-May, she fell ill and concluded that the symptoms such as headache, cough, fever, loss of smell and taste, and shortness of breath she was experiencing were linked to the coronavirus.
While in the emergency room, she discovered that she tested positive for the coronavirus.
Talking to local media, she explained: “I really thought I was doing everything right. I barely had any contact. I didn’t even touch her [the delivery woman]. I’m absolutely terrified. This is the sickest I’ve ever been, and it’s the most scared I’ve ever been.”
She went on to say: “From what I’m hearing about ventilators, it’s scary stuff. I’m really hoping I can wait this out at home.”
She said this about the illness: “I’ve had the flu, and this is not the flu. It’s a whole other monster.”
Brummert’s story has gone viral on Instagram and Facebook, and she has received thousands of messages of love and support from people all over the country.
She has posted several photos on social media thanking people for their positive reaction to her situation.
In North Carolina, there are more than 4,300 confirmed cases and 89 deaths. Thus far, there are more than 561,000 Americans infected by the coronavirus, and over 22,000 people have died.