Amy Cooper, the white woman, who went viral as Central Park “Karen” after she called the police on Black birdwatcher Christian Cooper, was charged this week and she could spend up to one year in prison.
In a surprising twist for some, Christian Cooper is trying to move on and has decided not to cooperate with the Manhattan District Attorney’s investigation. Amy Cooper was charged with falsely reporting an incident in the third degree.
According to the scientist, the 41-year-old woman, who has lost her job and faced public scorn since the incident, should not be facing additional scrutiny.
The 57-year-old scientist told the New York Times: “On the one hand, she’s already paid a steep price. That’s not enough of a deterrent to others? Bringing her more misery just seems like piling on.”
The activist continued: “So if the DA feels the need to pursue charges, he should pursue charges. But he can do that without me.”
The woman, who lost a high-flying job at investment firm Franklin Templeton, apologized for the viral incident that started over an unleashed dog in the park.
The moment, coupled with the death of George Floyd in Minnesota, was at the root of the country’s great awakening in May and June on matters of racism and police brutality.
Christian Cooper’s decision to not cooperate with the investigation is being debated intensely on social media.
Some have praised him for being a forgiven person and offering Amy Cooper some hope for redemption through his grace, while others say his response is too common in the Black community.
Those critics say African Americans are often too forgiven when it comes to race-related incidents. And if Amy Cooper faces the full force of the justice system, it might be a powerful deterrent for similar behavior in the future.
The bird enthusiast has always said Amy Cooper was just a small part of a larger problem and that punishing her more would not necessarily make things better.
One critic stated: “I believe I would be cooperating. She was wrong, and many Black people have died and spent time in jail on foolishness like this. It’s time to learn a lesson and pay for this type of behavior!!!”
A second person added: “She caught the right guy to do this too. But in all honesty, she would probably have just been given a slap on the wrist by a judge anyway.?”
A third observer chimed in: “At this point, you’re endangering other black folks with this message your sending out of not following through. YOU filmed the scenario, and YET the rare time the outcome was favorable to you well, you blew it!! SMH, who knows how many more black people will die unnecessarily because non-blacks see this pandering behavior. What a waste of our time viewing, supporting you if this is what you do with your opportunity for change!!”
Christian Cooper is focused on bringing more awareness to those issues on a political level.