Kate Middleton’s Brother James Middleton Makes Sure Meghan Markle Bites Reality For Cruel Revelation

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Kate Middleton, who recently completed chemotherapy, no longer has to defend her good name; her family members and close friends are steadfastly doing the heavy lifting to reveal the truth to the world.

Catherine, Princess of Wales, has been the target of some of the wildest chatters in recent years.

One of the silliest came from Meghan Markle, who claimed that she understood during her first meeting with the Princess of Wales that she was highly formal, cold, and anti-hugs.

In the Netflix series Harry & Meghan, the former actress confessed that her introduction to Middleton and Prince William was uncomfortable because while wearing ripped jeans and barefoot, the royal couple was dressed for a business meeting and had the same stiff and serious demeanor.

She said: “Even when Will and Kate came over, and I met her for the first time, I remember I was in ripped jeans and barefoot. Like I was a hugger, I have always been a hugger I didn’t realize that is jarring for many Brits.”

Markle continued: “I started to understand that the formality on the outside carried through on the inside, that there is a forward-facing way of being, and then you close the door and think “OK, we can relax now.” But that formality carries over on both sides, and that was surprising to me.”

However, in his new memoir, Kate Middleton’s brother, James Middleton, and his wife, Alizee Thevenet, opened the door to their home and shared a private moment that blew Markle’s claims to smithereens.

The British entrepreneur explained that when Kate Middleton first met the French financial analyst, she was wearing a T-shirt and nothing else.

He wrote via Daily Mail: “Alizee appeared in the kitchen of the Middleton family home with her hair tousled and wearing nothing but his shirt, only to find Kate, William, and their three children there.”

James Middleton explained that the meeting between Kate Middleton and Alizee Thevenet was as delightful as can be.

He added: “Far from it being an issue, there was ‘no awkwardness at all,’ and by the end of the weekend, Kate had given Alizee her seal of approval, telling James the French financier was ‘just great.”

According to The Mail, this passage in the book confirmed that the Middleton family took it upon themselves to lift the burden of revealing the truth to the world about the future Queen of England.

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