Michelle Obama And Former President Barack Obama Let Melania Trump Know It Is Personal, Not Political With This Brutal Move

Michelle Obama Sasha Barack Malia White House Childhood

Michelle Obama and her husband, former President Barack Obama, are not known to hold grudges; however, they express their frustration when necessary.

It was a lesson learned in frustration for Melania Trump. Donald Trump‘s wife is on a promotional tour pushing her new book, Melania.

The book is light for an autobiography. It focuses on the fascinating life of a Slovenian girl who came to the United States, became a model, and later served as first lady of the White House.

In the 182-page memoir, Melania Trump had much to say about Donald Trump, Barack and Michelle Obama. Melania Trump used multiple pages to lament the Obamas’ decision to create chaos when she only wanted to renovate and redecorate the White House.

The Republican author said she was vexed by the Obamas and their team for delaying her request to add her own touch to the White House.

Mrs. Trump wrote: “Despite reaching out to the Obamas’ team and requesting a convenient time for our visit, we did not receive a response for weeks. When we finally received the information, it was filled with errors. This delayed the planning process, and I was only able to begin renovations after the inauguration, once we were already in the White House.”

She further explained her eagerness to renovate, stating: “While some first families are content to simply live in the historic residence, my approach was different.”

Despite her urgency to change the White House decor, Melania Trump took more than six months to leave New York and move to Washington, D.C., with her son, Barron Trump.

Despite their politeness, Barack and Michelle Obama were undoubtedly fed up with Donald and Melania Trump for their involvement in the birther movement.

It seems that the former glamor model has conveniently forgotten the things she and her husband, Donald Trump, said and did to the Obamas while he was in office.

Donald Trump is the central brain behind birtherism — a wild conspiracy theory drenched in racism.

The wild and erroneous theory claimed that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya and was, therefore, not eligible to be president.

Barack Obama was forced to release his long-form birth certificate to confirm that he was born in Hawaii, but that did not stop Donald and Melania Trump from questioning the authenticity of the document and his legitimacy as president.

Appearing on The View, Melania Trump said: “It’s not only Donald who wants to see [Obama’s birth certificate]; it’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him. They want to see that,”

Joy Behar pointed to Obama’s birth certificate that was released online, which prompted Melania Trump to add: “We feel it’s different than a birth certificate.”

It seems that the Obamas never forgot that incident.

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