Blasphemy is a word that Rasheeda Frost is learning the hard way after she apparently sinned by wearing a shirt that equated a black woman to God, not a god or goddess but God.
According to the dictionary, blasphemy is the offense of insulting God or Christ, and many see it as an “unforgivable” sin.
Rasheeda, who is famous for starring on the hit reality show, Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, shared a picture on social media where she is wearing a black T-shirt with the following splashed on the front: “Black Woman You Are God.”
It did not take long for thousands of Christians to call out Rasheeda for her sinful act and demand that she stop wearing the top.
One person warned the mother of two: “You step on dangerous grounds with that shirt. There is only one God, and He isn’t a woman. We are gods, not God so if the g was the lower case, it would be acceptable. I was hoping it was saying Good or something like that, in fact, I still do lol. Samuel 7:22 Psalms 86:8 Isaiah 46:9.”
A religious lady had this clap-back for the self-proclaimed Boss Chick: “There is ONLY ONE GOD. AND GOD IS A JEALOUS GOD. It has Nothing g to do with “Christians” being in their feelings… God Created us, and No Man Should try to Imitate him. We are Not God and that shirt clearly stating we are so the People that are For God Should Be Speaking Up. God is The 1 and Only King of this World. God Bless you all.”
“There are many ways to express value and confidence but calling yourself a god is false. It’s only one God, and we are his children,” shared a third woman of God.
The post has received thousands of harsh comments, and it does not look like Rasheeda has plans to address the matter.
Additionally, a few people love the controversial shirt and are eager to purchase it and make a bold fashion statement knowing they will offend a group of people.