A mother from Washington, Dr. Beth Mynett, has made a shocking accusation, claiming that her divorce from Tim Mynett is the result of her estranged husband becoming involved with politician Ilhan Omar.
According to Mynett, her husband revealed an affair with Rep. Omar, D-Minn several months ago and even claimed to be in love with the politician.
The Mynetts, who share a preteen son, lived together for about six years before marrying in 2012.
After the alleged affair was discovered, Mr. Mynett announced his decision to fight for his wife and put everything behind him, but she refused and filed for divorce in DC Superior Court.
According to court documents, Omar allegedly met her lover when he was employed under her.
It is being claimed that Omar paid over $200,000 in campaign funds to Mynett’s E. Street Group, LLC, a political consulting group.
Beth Mynett wants primary physical custody of their son because of her estranged spouse’s “more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments.”
And because he put the child in harms’ way by doing this: “by taking him out in public with Rep. Omar, who at that time had garnered a plethora of media attention along with death threats, one rising to the level of arresting the known would-be assassin that same week.”
Pictures have surfaced showing Omar along with her teen daughter strolling with Mr. Mynett.
Dr. Mynett said there is no hope of reconciliation because he has been using “bullying tactics,” has “begun threatening not to pay for his share of their joint financial responsibilities.”
Dr. Mynett wants the family home and is requesting child support and legal fees. Omar was married to Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi and d Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
Supporters of Omar said this could be nothing more than an attempt to smear her reputation by misrepresenting facts.
Omar has been under attack on multiple occasions in the past, especially from President Donald Trump, and it would not be the first time that someone has tried to ruin her reputation.
The politician is being accused by others of being a homewrecker.
When Omar was asked by reporters about the situation and the news that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) filed a complaint against her, she said these were “stupid questions” and added: “Because they’re stupid questions.”
She later explained: “I will just say I have no interest in commenting on anything that you are about to ask about my personal life, so you can chase me all you want.”
Conservatives want the congresswoman to be investigated for a possible ethics violation.