In a new interview, former President Donald Trump left many in shock while talking about his predecessor, Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle Obama.
Trump spent over a decade slamming Obama and his spouse while pushing the birther movement. The former reality TV star turned politician praised his former rival and claimed that he was brilliant. Trump also had kind words for former First Lady Michelle Obama.
Donald Trump takes his show on the road and has a lot to say about Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama
Donald Trump has teamed up with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly for what they are calling the History Tour, where tickets sell for almost $5,000.
The tour was launched in Florida, where a packed Trump-loving audience gathered to hear the businessman and the TV personality tackle important political issues.
Trump opened the ball by making a headline-grabbing remark about one of the men he had appeared to hate the most before, during, and after his presidency — Barack Obama.
During his rollercoaster four years in the White House, Trump accused the Democrat from Hawaii of many crimes and blamed him for his failures.
Trump went as far as saying that Obama’s administration’s lack of preparation for a large-scale pandemic is the reason why a lot of Americans suffered and died because of the coronavirus disease.
However, during his tour, Trump, who is known for making contradictory statements, decided to speak positively about the former senator from Illinois.
The real estate mogul explained that Obama is a smart man, and he admires him. He stated, “I liked him. He is smart and sharp,” which pushed the crowd to boo loudly.
He went on to make an interesting update about the status of his relationship with Michelle and Barack Obama.
“I got along with Barack and Michelle.”
Donald Trump concluded by claiming that Obama has caused “tremendous division” and hatred in the United States.
Trump also explained that Obama is not secretly governing the country because he is busy playing golf.
Not that long ago, Trump was screaming from the top of his lungs that Obama was not a legitimate president because he was born in Kenya.
Donald Trump and Barack Obama have a tumultuous relationship.
Trump elevated and rode the birther wave to the White House.
Via countless interviews, Trump backed the inaccurate and damaging conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Africa when his birth certificate states that he is a native of Hawaii.
During a sit-down on CNN, Trump promoted the fake claim by saying: “A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. Many people do not think it was authentic. His mother was not in the hospital. There are many other things that came out. And frankly, if you would report it accurately, I think you’d probably get better ratings than you’re getting.”
In her bestselling memoir, Becoming, Michelle Obama said that she would “never forgive” Trump for the comments and added: “The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed.”
Amongst the long list of insults that Trump tossed at Obama include him calling him the “founder of ISIS” and “one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States.”
Despite the harsh words and bitter feud, Trump revealed that Obama penned him a beautiful Inauguration Day letter and left it in a drawer in the Oval Office.