At the age of 95, Queen Elizabeth II is said to be living in fear after relaxing a protocol that now permits several heirs to the throne to travel together.
Her Majesty has been losing sleep over the fact that Prince William, Kate Middleton, and their family often travel via helicopter.
According to a royal insider, the Queen is terrified that a horrific event could occur.
Such a tragic happening would threaten the succession, meaning that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would be elevated to the British throne despite the fact that they have stepped down from their royal duties and emigrated to California.
The royal insider, who spoke to the media, revealed that Elizabeth II has raised these concerns with Prince William.
Queen Elizabeth seems to be questioning the change in the rule. The protocol was modified to allow Prince William and his family to fly 115 miles between their homes in London and Norfolk.
Additionally, Prince William is an expert flier — he has worked for five years as an RAF search and rescue pilot and with the air ambulance.
A source close to the monarch revealed she raised concerns with the future king, saying she is “terrified” disaster could strike. An unwritten rule stops senior royals from flying together.
The royal insider told The Sun: “Her Majesty has told close friends and courtiers that she would like William to stop flying himself, particularly in bad weather, as helicopters are not the safest form of transport. It keeps the Queen awake at night, and she is understandably very worried.”
The Queen is said to be frustrated that Prince William is willing to take such a high risk.
The person in the know went on to share: “She knows William is a capable pilot but does not think it is worth the risk for all five of them to carry on flying together and can’t imagine what would happen. It would spark a constitutional crisis.”
The source concluded with: “The Queen has told William she is worried that, however good he is as a pilot, bad weather and accidents can strike at any time. The Queen is delighted in the way William and Kate have risen to the challenge in recent years and knows the monarchy is safe in their hands. She thinks the future is bright with them at the helm after Charles, but if something happened to him and the family, it doesn’t bear thinking about.”
The panicky Queen Elizabeth related her worries to her grandson after multiple incidents during a royal helicopter flight.
Technically, the heirs to the throne do not ever travel together — Prince William, Prince Charles, and Prince George are never supposed to be on the same flight.
In 2014, the rule was modified after the birth of Prince George was born.
Queen Elizabeth granted the Cambridges permission to travel to Australia together.
The trip made headlines and sparked a debate, forcing the Palace to address the matter with a statement that read: “While there is no official rule on this, and royal heirs have traveled together in the past, it is something the Queen has the final say on.”
There might be a reversal of this rule.