King Charles Has Blunt Message For Prince Harry About Queen Camilla Which Leaves No Room For Discussion

Prince Charles Harry Meghan Markle Snub Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor Birthday Message

King Charles III is said to be longing for something simple that has been made very complicated by his youngest son, Prince Harry.

The 75-year-old King is battling cancer and is hoping for the opportunity to be with his entire family — Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and their young children — Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

In a bizarre twist, Prince Harry seeks ways to reconnect with his father. After spending years attacking the Royal Family, Prince Harry finally decides to listen to his better angels and now has a dignified silence towards his relative.

However, the reconciliation has not occurred because of one major issue. Luckily for Prince Harry, the direct path to King Charles’s broken heart has been revealed.

Indeed, the former soldier received the cheat sheet for the year to solve his family drama. One royal expert delivered to Prince Harry the note or message he had been praying for.

According to royal journalist Christopher Andersen, Prince Harry can redeem himself in King Charles’s eye by acknowledging the pain and humiliation he caused his stepmother, Queen Camilla.

In an interview with Fox News, the expert claimed that King Charles would not move an inch toward Prince Harry because of the vile confessions he made about Queen Camilla in his wild interviews and his bombshell memoir Spare.

Prince Harry claimed that his stepmother was evil and would do and sacrifice anyone to become Queen.

The Duke of Sussex also confessed to teaming up with his brother, Prince William, to beg their father not to marry Queen Camilla.

He stated: “I think people have to realize that the one thing that Charles finds unforgivable is criticism of Camilla. No criticism of Camilla could be deemed acceptable, and unfortunately for Harry, he has said some pretty devastating things about her. Prince Harry made it clear that he felt she was the villain in the piece.”

The commentator shared: “It still bothers the King, and I don’t know that it will be easy for him to [forgive]. I don’t think they’ll ever forgive Harry for that. Harry still resents Camilla, and until that is resolved, the Duke will be on his own.”

Prince Harry has revealed on multiple occasions that he is determined to spend time with his cancer-stricken father — now he has been given a clear message on how to do so, will he take steps to repair the fractured relationship or remain unmoved?

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