After Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 presidential election, he, his adult children, and in-laws moved into the White House.
However, at the time, then-First Lady Melania Trump surprised many by remaining in New York with her son, Barron Trump.
The former model stayed in the Big Apple for almost six months while her husband governed the country.
However, according to a new book, once Melania Trump arrived in Washington, DC, she quickly let everyone know that she was the boss.
Melania Trump rapidly put her stepdaughter, Ivanka Trump, in her place by taking her rightful spot as first lady.
The beauty sensation shocked many veteran politicians and top military officials who were part of Donald Trump’s administration.
In his new book, Soldier Secretary: Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America’s Most Dangerous Enemies, former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller explained that many of Trump’s administrators were astonished when Melania Trump sat in the Situation Room during the secret 2019 raid that led to the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The author and former Special Forces Commander claimed that people, including Vice President Mike Pence, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, were dismayed as Melania Trump watched the Operation code name Kayla Mueller unfold.
From 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the politicians, military experts, and the former model followed Delta Force operators, military working dogs, and military robots. They landed outside the compound, where they watched the following unfold: “Once Delta was inside the target building, Baghdadi fled into a tunnel network under the premises wearing a suicide vest and carrying two children with him. By the time he reached a dead end, an explosive ordnance disposal military robot and a dog (later identified as a male Belgian Malinois named “Conan”) had been dispatched to subdue him. He detonated his vest, killing himself and two children.”
Miller wrote: “Her presence was unexpected, to say the least. I wondered how it would play in the press if word got out that the first lady had popped in to watch a major military operation.”
According to Miller, Melania Trump surprised the people in the room by further exerting her authority by softening Donald Trump and pushing him to talk about the heroic dog that was involved in the mission.
Miller stated: “You should talk about the dog. Everyone loves dogs.”
Trump later told the media this about the dog: “The dog is incredible. Actually incredible. We spent some good time with it. So brilliant and so smart. Conan was very badly hurt as you know, and they thought maybe he was not going to recover. Recovered very quickly and has since gone on very important raids. It’s trained that if you open your mouths, you will be attacked. You ought to be very, very careful.”
Melania Trump is less present now as her husband tries to win the GOP nomination for 2024.