Donald Trump is a tough-talking politician, but he is also known as a contrarian who sometimes has to rethink his positions.
Recently, he proved to the world that he loves to make bold and conflicting arguments on live television.
Trump and his vice presidential nominee, JD Vance, made an appearance along with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in New York at an event commemorating the horrific 2001 terrorist attacks.
Donald Trump left the world in disbelief with his unexpected comment in the presence of Biden and Harris.
According to The Daily Beast, while shaking Harris’s hand, Trump said, “good job” several times and then made another comment that was hard to understand because of the camera’s position.
The “good job” remark was about the debate that Kamala Harris participated in the night before.
In his typical self-assured manner, Trump believes he delivered the best performance, while Harris did a good job.
In multiple interviews, Trump claimed he was the superior debater and that all significant polls indicated his victory over Harris.
Trump went as far as to invent an imaginary audience who attended the debate. The real estate mogul said the audience loved his zingers and debate performance over Harris.
There was no audience at the Pennsylvania debate between Trump and Harris. After his initial boast, Trump is now left to eat his words, a brutal and stark contrast to his earlier confidence.
Former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have both been invited to participate in a second debate in front of the American people.
CNN, which hosted the first debate between Trump and Biden, has scheduled the other for October 23. Harris accepted the invitation to speak to voters and explain her policies.
Trump confirmed the rumors that he is running scared by declining to go head-to-head with Harris because it is “too late to do another.”
Trump said at a campaign event in Wilmington, North Carolina: “She’s done one debate. I’ve done two. It’s too late to do another. I’d love to, in many ways, but it’s too late. The voting is cast.”
He added: “She’s had her chance to do it with Fox. You know, Fox invited us on, and I waited and waited, and they turned it down. They turned it down, but now she wants to debate right before the election with CNN because she’s losing badly.”
Harris-Walz campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon explained in a statement why debates matter: “The American people deserve another opportunity to see Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump debate before they cast their ballots. It would be unprecedented in modern history for there to just be one general election debate. Debates offer a unique chance for voters to see the candidates side by side and take stock of their competing visions for America.”
Some observers say Trump might change his mind, if his poll numbers do not improve.