Meghan Markle’s Former Friend Makes Humiliating Comment About Her Inappropriate Appearance

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Meghan Markle made a daring move recently and discovered no one wanted it. The former actress decided to paint the town red over the weekend.

While Prince Harry was busy being a statesman in multiple African nations, Meghan Markle declared that Los Angeles was hers.

The mother of two appeared at the LA Children’s Hospital Gala wearing a provocative dress with a massive cutout in the front. Markle wore little makeup, letting her perfectly tanned skin and new beachy wavy hairstyle take the spotlight.

Prince Harry’s wife posed on the red carpet and spoke to multiple children at the star-studded event. It seems that Markle wanted to make a bold and loud statement at the event — she is not going to shy away from the controversies surrounding her marriage and career.

It was Markle’s big moment in the sun, but people at the event found her failing miserably because of her daring dress and demeanor.

British socialite Lizzie Cundy, a former friend of Meghan Markle, was present at the gathering and said that attendees were not all that delighted to see the duchess.

She went on to say that The Duchess of Sussex seemed more interested in the cameras than the cause being promoted.

Cundy told The Daily Mail: “There wasn’t a great deal of warmth from people when she arrived. She wasn’t there long – she seemed to be there for the photographs. Meghan needs LA more than LA needs her. LA people feel she’s played them. I’d have worn a different one if I’d known.”

According to body language expert Judi James, who spoke to The Mail, Meghan Markle’s behavior at the event was like that of a fish out of water, starkly contrasting her usual confident demeanor.

James stated: “For a confident woman who is used to cameras and red carpets, she acts grateful to see and join her friend here. The body language ritual that she follows seems to be deliberate, signaling her current state as Harry is off on his solo tour.”

The expert said that Markle appeared lost and confused without her prince. She added: “Meghan performs signals of coyness and even shyness plus a subliminal desire to have someone take over the lead from Harry, as though she is somehow lost without him on the red carpet or wanting to suggest she is feeling more vulnerable and girlishly playful than usual.”

The so-called professional separation is not going well for Markle.

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1 Comment

  1. Maybe it’s time for her to go back to her old job on the yacht’s she would be more at home there her only problem there would be that she would have to find someone that wanted a mother figure that’s already got a cupboard full of t-shirts

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