Alison Ettel, the white woman, who was caught calling the police on an 8-year-old African American girl named Jordan Rogers as she was selling water in San Francisco, is getting bashed by almost everyone on the Internet.
The girl’s mother, Erin Austin, gave Ettel, who runs a business selling cannabis treats for dogs the sad nickname, #permitpatty.
The clip has received more than 1 million views in less than two days, and the backlash has been brutal.
Many people have called on the companies that are associated with Ettel to stop selling her products, prompting her to go on several TV networks and websites to defend herself.
Talking to HuffPost, she said that the mother and daughter were loud and added: “They were screaming about what they were selling. It was literally nonstop. It was every two seconds, ‘Come and buy my water.’ It was continuous, and it wasn’t a soft voice, it was screaming.”
Ettel went on to say that she is not racist and added that she has been getting threats.
She confessed: “It was stupid. I completely regret that I handled that so poorly. It was completely stress-related, and I should have never confronted her. That was a mistake, a complete mistake. Please don’t make me sound horrible.”
Austin was quick to blast HuffPost for not contacting her for a comment on the story, and she accused them of paying Ettel for the interview.
The mom wrote: “If people can get ahold of me through family out of state and just walk up and interview us I’m wondering how and when I supposedly decline to comment seems kinda funny #didshepayyoutopostthat.”
Austin pointed to all the good that has come out of this situation in a sweet post that read: “My cousin posted the video on Twitter, and it went viral on there so this man Brannon found out my daughter was selling bottles of water to go to Disneyland, and he decided to buy her four tickets thank you so much @brannonmusic we acknowledge and appreciate you so much. I never expected all of this to come from me posting a video of a woman who was harassing my daughter. Thank you for teaching her all people aren’t so shitty.”
Hopefully, all parties involved will find a way to move forward.