Among the many people who have been implicated in the recent scandal around Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew has grown to be one of the most prominent figures in the situation, and it looks like he is going to face a significant fallout from the case if things continue to move in the same direction.
An accuser has recently come forward, known as “Jane Doe 15,” claiming that she has more information on that particular aspect of the case, and has called on Prince Andrew to come forward and admit what he has done.
Jane Doe 15, who is now 31, said during a press conference: “Jeffrey Epstein was only a small part of an insidious system of privilege that exploits children as sexual commodities and robs them of their youth.”
She continued with: “It was clear from the time I spent with Epstein that something was very wrong with his lifestyle, and it didn’t take a victim to see that. We were not hidden. It is upsetting to me that anyone who is closely associated with Jeffrey Epstein didn’t suspect that he might be sexually abusing children.”
Jane Doe 15 had a direct message for Prince Andrew and influential people like him: “Prince Andrew and any others who were close to Epstein should come forward and give a statement under oath on what information they have. Just because Epstein is dead doesn’t mean that others around him don’t deserve their day in court.”
The woman’s lawyer, Gloria Allred, added the following: “He should have asked why these girls are here. Are they working here? What are their jobs? Where are their parents? It’s not something anyone should close their eyes to. These are kids. [Andrew] has two daughters.”
And as can be expected, there does not seem to be an indication that Prince Andrew is planning to do that anytime soon.
Prince Andrew has been maintaining a relatively low profile since the accusations against him surfaced, and he has been doing his best to avoid the attention that this has drawn to him.
However, it does not seem like he is going to be very successful in his attempts, because more and more pressure has been mounting on him recently, and many people have started to ask uncomfortable questions, especially after his lackluster interview.
Prince Andrew has been communicating distantly and through proxies for the most part, and he is not in a position where it would be wise of him to address the situation directly, and his recent attempt has created a bigger mess.
Still, his reputation seems to be at stake here. With all the accusations that have been brought up against him from multiple sides, it might indeed make more sense for him to say something more convincing, even if it is to deny the accusations completely.
Jane Doe 15 also revealed that a redhaired woman, who was an Epstein assistant, allegedly assaulted her before he raped her.
Documents from her lawsuits alleged: “Without Jane Doe 15’s consent, the woman proceeded to use her tongue to ‘massage’ Jane Doe 15, focusing primarily on Jane Doe 15’s vagina and anus. The redhaired woman – Epstein’s agent – then told Jane Doe 15 that Epstein really wanted to give Jane Doe 15 an orgasm.”
The alleged victim was 15 at the time, and the incidents reportedly took place in 2004.