The firstborn daughter of former President Barack Obama might be facing backlash and body-shaming, as many people have started to post mean comments about her appearance online.
The negative comments about the former first daughter started flooding social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram after Malia Obama made an appearance in Netflix’s recent documentary about her mother’s life, Michelle Obama‘s Becoming.
During her appearance in Becoming, Malia opened up. She explained how much she appreciated everything that her mother had achieved in life and complimented her on the popularity of her new book.
As a result, many viewers of the new documentary took to social media to discuss the face of the 21-year-old Harvard student.
One user negatively stated, “can’t get over the size of Malia Obama’s forehead,” and another claimed, “Malia Obama got a face shaped like a foot.”
Others blamed Malia for behaving like a “white” girl and commented that she was “so bad.”
However, there were a lot of followers who opposed the critiques against Malia, as one fan wrote “ppl poking at Malia Obama for dressing ‘white’ and having white friends and comparing her to her sister is the dumbest thing and actually makes my blood boil???” and another simply commented “Malia Obama is NOT ugly. Y’all need to stop.”
One defender of the former president’s daughter also claimed it was unfair to be mean to Malia and her sister since they were only children.
At the same time, another backer stated that the haters of Malia were most likely angry males with the following comment: “These males talking s**t about Malia Obama, which of you can measure up to any of those girls in any capacity?”
This Democrat showed support for both Malia and her sister, Sasha Obama, by saying this: “Beautiful Family ? those lil girls grew up to be so pretty?? thanks for the Best Service yaw brought to us God knows we need yaw not now but Right now ???.”
This supporter of the Obamas stated on social media: “How time flies, the girls have grown up to be a beautiful young lady. GOD knows we miss you ALL in the White House( BlackHouse). Be Bless OBAMA Family ???????.”
This debate about the Obama daughters followed political partisan lines, with right-wingers being their harshest critics and people on the left taking a stand for them. The polarization is everywhere.