Ryan Fischer, Lady Gaga‘s former dog walker, who was shot while working for the pop star, has created a GoFundMe page where he is asking for donations to reach his $40,000.
Fisher was forced to issue a statement after he received harsh comments for sharing his truth and pleaded for donations in order to start his healing journey.
In the description that he posted on GoFundMe page, the animal lover revealed that he is in desperate need of money because he no longer has a car or an apartment since the shooting and dognapping.
He claimed to be strapped for cash since he has not been able to work in the past months because of his injuries and the trauma that he is carrying since the horrific incident.
He went to say that after his “very close call with death,” he has embarked on a self-healing road trip. The famous dog walker and artist, who has been traveling all accross America, explains why he needs the money: “With no vehicle, apartment, and having run out of savings and surviving on donations from generous loved ones, I am humbly asking for your help. This is not an easy thing to ask, but I have started to realize sharing your vulnerability with others is exactly when radical change begins to occur for everyone involved.”
He went on to say that his support system has abandoned him, which is why he left Hollywood. He further explained: “At times, I was scared. I was lonely. I felt abandoned and unsupported. I had long bouts of depression and doubt, and self-pity. But those backroads that took me to desert campsites and Walmart lots and rest stops and friends and family to NY and back began to help me see why I had chosen to leave the security of the Hollywood Hills where I fought for my life and mobility.”
While the donations have been rolling in — he has already received $26,000 — he is also being attacked for not saving the first amount of money he had collected.
Fisher decided to take on those who are shaming him with the following message: “I am going on this journey because I need to do the work to heal – and it is hard work. I am on a mission, and donations or support of any kind are welcomed because I absolutely am in need of them, but no one needs to be blamed for my circumstances, and I also don’t see how victim-blaming is productive (some people can be really mean… I mean, honestly!).”
In late February, Fischer was shot and robbed while strolling with Lady Gaga’s three French Bulldogs. After Lady Gaga offered a $500,000 reward, the dogs were returned by a woman.
Thus far, five people have been arrested and charged for their alleged roles in the drama.