Prince William might be a future King, a dedicated servant of the British people, and an heir to a powerful throne, but he is also human.
Every once in a while, Prince William, while talking to his close confidants, makes a confession that reflects his vulnerable human side.
These reflections are more often than not related to his complex relationships with his younger sibling, Prince Harry, and sister-in-law, Meghan Markle.
Since departing from their royal duties in 2020, Prince Harry and Markle have consciously decided to rattle the monarchy at every turn.
The duo also explicitly targeted the Royal Family, relentlessly attacking their past comments, personalities, and beliefs.
Markle and Prince Harry also dropped accusations that will remain engraved in the history books for the next century.
Prince William has kept his dignity and remained silent despite all that has been said and done.
However, in the privacy of his palaces and mansions, he talks to close friends who report back to the media.
Royal expert Ingrid Seward told The Mirror that while Prince William will never show it, the truth is that he is human, with a sensitive side, soul, and feelings. He has repeatedly admitted that the situation with Prince Harry bothers him.
Prince William is upset by Prince Harry’s actions. He has proposed a drastic solution of cutting all ties with his brother instead of trying to work through his “continually annoying” and challenging behavior.
The royal author revealed: “William is sensitive, he likes structure and has perseverance. He does not give up easily. His relationship with brother Harry upset him more than he would care to admit. But he found it easier to cut ties rather than allow himself to be continually annoyed.”
Prince William’s sensitivity only applies to his family; according to the royal commentator Michael Cole, Prince Harry is still a traitor.
Cole told GB News that Prince William has no intentions of softening his position on his brother.
He claimed: “There’s going to be no softening of the adamantine response to what he’s done. He’s done the unthinkable. In this life, most men can put up with insults; it happens. You get insulted. What they cannot put up with are two things that they cannot abide by. Their driving ability, and they certainly cannot allow their wife to be criticized.”
The Duke of Sussex is trying to move on from the past drama as he builds a life in America for his family.
There no greater love then your siblings. You both grew up together and you and you alone know the sorrow of losing a mother.And I’m sure being a mother myself she would not tolerance both of your behaviors. Tomorrow is not promised nor is today stop the nonsense and be grown men through this trial of life..