The nephew of Allison and Zeke Brown of Atlanta, Georgia has decided that the work needed to be done at their home will have to wait after the white contractor they hired showed up to the job with a giant Confederate flag attached to his truck.
Ryan Spann, who posted a video of the incident that took place on Saturday, explained: “A general contractor came to my uncle’s house to do a project. When he arrived, my aunt caught his huge confederate flag hanging on the back of his truck. Trust no work was done that day…… she kindly thanked him for making the trip, but we’re good love enjoy. ? ”
In the video, the Brown couple can be seen standing on the doorstep waiting for the contractor whose name is Michael. The black family had hired the man to repair the brakes on their golf cart.
Allison, a radiation therapist, impressed many as she stood calmly and politely explained to the independent contractor that she could not work him because of the Confederate flag affixed to his truck.
Despite being hurt and angered by Michael’s act, Allison politely said: “Hi, you know what, I do apologize, I know you’ve come from a very long way, but we’re going to use someone else.”
Zeke, who was standing next to his wife, added: “She’s upset with the flag.” Allison responded by: “No, I’m beyond upset with the flag.”
Michael, who stood near his truck, listened to what Allison had to say, and at some point, he offered to remove the offensive flag, but she declined.
Allison told the man not to change his beliefs and added: “No, you don’t need to take it down. You can continue to believe what you need to believe, sir. But no, I cannot pay you for your services. Thank you, have a good day.”
The man drove away, and Allison returned to her home.
The video has received millions of views, and some people say Allison should have accepted the man’s offer to remove the flag and let him do the job.
This person shared this idea on social media: “Weird how he didn’t turn around and leave himself once he saw that they were black. It sounds like the husband was a little embarrassed that his wife was that stupid. She is likely more racist than the contractor will ever be. Sad what liberal idiots have turned this country in to. People of all races have been flying that flag for generations. It has nothing to do with their thoughts on race.”
The woman had disagreed responded by: “So wait a minute. In your mind, the black woman is racist because she didn’t want someone who practices white supremacy working on her property ?. That’s crazy ? I’m white, and I would’ve turned him away. Whether you believe it or not that flag is a symbol of hate and you will be viewed as racist if you fly it. You may not think it is racist, but it most certainly is.”
One black man pushed this interesting theory about the flag: “Some white folks in here telling us that the Confederate flag isn’t a symbol of white supremacy, but they are not telling white Supremacist they can’t use it. ?”
Do you think Mrs. Brown overreacted?