The alleged suicide of accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein brought a lot of conspiracy theories back to the surface. #TrumpsBodyCount and #ClintonBodyCount are still trending topics on social media.
Some people even think that a foreign player like Russia or Saudi Arabia might be behind the death of the disgraced multimillionaire. It is all murky and speculation at this point.
However, what is clear is that the left and right sides of the political spectrum agree that something went wrong in the situation, and somebody might be responsible. The Epstein suicide comes hours after some big names were connected to his salacious entreprise.
This probably contributed to giving more substance to the idea that it was more than just a simple suicide and a lack of monitoring from the jail staff before Epstein was found dead.
The fallout of the scandal around Epstein will continue undoubtedly, as various new accusations have come to light in the past few days.
Recently, one of the victims of the alleged sex trafficking organization named Virginia Roberts Giuffre claimed that she was ordered to have sex with Democratic politicians George Mitchell and Bill Richardson in the early 2000s.
However, both politicians have vehemently denied the claims or any involvement with the recent scandals in general.
Former Senate Majority Leader Mitchell, who served the state of Maine between 1980 and 1995, denied the accusation in a statement to Fox News.
It read: “I have never met, spoken with or had any contact with Ms. Giuffre. In my contacts with Mr. Epstein I never observed or suspected any inappropriate conduct with underage girls. I only learned of his actions when they were reported in the media related to his prosecution in Florida. We have had no further contact.”
Richardson, a member of the Clinton administration and former New Mexico governor, who ran for president in 2008, also denied Giuffre’s claims.
A representative for Richardson stated: “Governor Richardson has never even been contacted by any party regarding this lawsuit. To be clear, in Governor Richardson’s limited interactions with Mr. Epstein, he never saw him in the presence of young or underage girls. Governor Richardson has never been to Mr. Epstein’s residence in the Virgin Islands. Governor Richardson has never met Ms. Giuffre.”
The court documents that were released never said the woman had sex with those men or how old she was at the time when she was ordered to get intimate with them. The documents are from a defamation suit that was settled in 2017 alleging that Epstein and his associate, Ghislaine Maxwell, ordered her to have sex with some very powerful men.
Giuffre is a crucial witness in the case, and authorities seem to have a reason to believe her statements at the moment.
However, no official proof has come out implicating both politicians in the scandal. Their denial might come back to bite them later if the story does turn out to be true.
However, many have pointed out that the secretive nature of the investigation might mean that it will take a long time before observers find out what truly happened.
Epstein himself had been quiet about the incidents, although many had been making statements calling him out and requesting more explanations for his actions.
Giuffre added that she was also instructed to have sex with Jean Luc Brunel, as well as Glenn Dubin. None of those accusations have been proven yet.
There have been speculations that there are more reports behind the scenes that the authorities are not making public, but this remains the subject of rumors and nothing more at this point.
It will likely take a while for the full case to come to the surface and for people to find out what was going on behind the scenes.
However, Epstein’s shocking death makes it unlikely that the world will ever get a full picture of what happened.
One observer said: “How is it someone on suicide watch was able to commit suicide? I don’t care if it sounds farfetched, but I don’t believe this was an individually motivated suicide.”
A second person chimed in with: “He did not kill himself. He was a classic narcissist. He would not take his own life until post-conviction and sentencing when all other options had expired. He had too many options; his blackmail list was long. They took him out.”
A keen mind also added: “Unfortunate for his victims. Their day in court literally just died.”
Some are not ready to say that Epstein killed himself.