An investigation by the FBI has uncovered a scene resembling a horror movie.
A raid on an Arizona body donation center revealed buckets filled with body parts, an entire cooler full of male genitalia, as well as a woman’s head that was forcefully sewn onto a male torso.
Agents have described some of what they saw as resembling Frankenstein, and it looks like the situation is still unfolding.
The Biological Resource Center in Phoenix, that was described as a “human chop shop,” was operated under the premise that body parts donated to it would be used for scientific purposes. It was shut down in 2014 after the gruesome discovery.
However, after it became clear that this was not what was happening at the location, more than 30 people have banded together in a lawsuit against the owner of the facility, as they have reportedly donated parts of their relatives.
The suit, which will go to trial on October 21, is what brought the story to a broader audience. It targets the owner, Stephen Gore.
In 2015, Gore pleaded guilty to illegal control of an enterprise and was sentenced to one year of deferred jail time and four years of probation. He also had to restitute $121,000.
Other discoveries at the scene included heads that had been infected, body parts stacked up on top of each other without any identification tags, and other horrific images.
People on social media were horrified by the revelations. One of them stated: “A head sewn onto a mismatched body would seem to be considered “desecration of a corpse .”
A second person shared: “Reminds me of jeepers creepers scene when they go into his underground room where bodies are sowed together.”
It is not clear what the purpose of the whole setup was, but there is speculation that the parts were being sold off for profit. Who the buyer was is still not clear, however.
According to reports, a price list was recovered from the site, stating that a body with no shoulders or head — but otherwise “whole” would cost around $2,900. $950 could get a whole spine.
There was an entire price list dedicated to different body parts, and it looks like the operation was set up quite meticulously from the very beginning.