A horrific incident has recently taken the life of a New Yorker, as an elevator crushed Sam Waisbren, 30, to death in his luxurious high-rise apartment and the sad event was caught on video.
Waisbren lived in the Manhattan Promenade tower with his girlfriend. The tragic event took place on Thursday at around 8:00 AM.
Several of the man’s neighbors were close by and witnessed the terrible scene. In the video, Waisbren could be seen trying to get out of the elevator as it was still moving down, and was eventually crushed between it and the wall.
The footage that has emerged showed several people going down with the elevator when it started to descend all of a sudden.
The man realized what was happening and tried to jump out of the elevator at the last moment, but only ended up blocking its path briefly before he was crushed. Reports indicate that the Milwaukee man was pronounced dead at the scene.
A building worker had this to say about the incident: “His initial reaction was to put his arm out . . . So he could get off. At that point, the elevator took him down. Jumping out [of] the car while it’s still moving, you just don’t want to do it.”
Several of his friends and family members have expressed their distress over the situation, and some have been asking how something like this could have happened in the first place.
Various points have been brought under question regarding the circumstances of the incident, with some speculating that the elevator was not being maintained properly.
Many questions are still floating in the air regarding the incident, and it will likely take a while for the dust to settle.
The incident has prompted many discussions online regarding the overall safety of elevators in some areas, and the way people are using them, which can sometimes expose them to unnecessary risk in some circumstances.
Funeral services for Sam Waisbren will take place at 10:30 AM Sunday, August 25, 2019, at the Congregation Sinai.
Waisbren’s family explained that he was originally from Wisconsin, and he relocated to New York City about five years ago.
He shared the apartment with his girlfriend and worked in sales for a software company.
His mourning father, Charles Waisbren said in a brief interview: “Fantastic boy, he was full of life. Very, very sensitive and conscientious, fun-loving, and just a million friends. Everyone loved him.”
The tragic incident is being investigated.