For a brief period, there was a glimmer of hope that Kate Middleton would be the one who would be a peacemaker between Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and the Royal Family.
It was claimed via multiple news organizations that the future Queen of England had decided to step into the role previously played by the late Prince Philip, who wanted the family to stay connected despite the countless scandals and rifts.
However, a new book has revealed that very early on, Kate Middleton took a definitive stance against the way Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to conduct their business of bashing the Royal Family.
In a nutshell, the media got the story of Kate Middleton completely wrong. Prince William’s wife was not standing on the sidelines and watching the Duke and Duchess of Sussex cause damage to the monarchy that she will inherit one day.
Middleton was fighting tooth and nail against the two external forces that wanted to take away her prize possession — the grandiose opportunity of being Queen one day.
According to Valentine Low‘s book Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, which has been updated and is being re-released, when the Royal Family gathered after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey, Middleton took a decision that will put her in the history books.
Kate Middleton pushed for a harsher statement in response to the accusations made by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during the sit-down.
The press has been claiming for three years that Queen Elizabeth II was the one who came up with the memorable line “recollection may vary.”
However, reporters were wrong; according to Low, Middleton is the person who fought for the line to remain in the statement because she wanted history to judge Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as liars.
The author shared in great detail how and who drafted one of the Royal Ramily’s powerful statements via The Times.
According to Low, while the rest of the Royal Family, including King Charles III and Queen Elizabeth, were hoping to leave the door open or extend an olive branch to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. However, Prince William and Middleton took the decision right off the bat to hit hard.
He wrote: “While they were as concerned as anyone about not getting into a tit-for-tat with Harry and Meghan, William and Kate were clear which side of the debate they were on.”
The author added: “They wanted it toughened up a bit. They were both of one mind that we needed something that said that the institution did not accept a lot of what had been said. He said, ‘It is really important that you guys come up with the right way of making sure that we are saying that this does not stand.’ She was certainly right behind him on it.”
This is how Kate Middleton made her mark in history: “While some have attributed “recollections may vary” to Alderton, more than one source has said that the author was in fact Jean-Christophe Gray, William’s new private secretary, who had been in post for less than three weeks. At least two senior officials in other households were against its inclusion because they feared that it would rile Harry and Meghan. But once the phrase had been added to the draft, it was — according to another source — the Duchess of Cambridge who pressed home the argument that it should remain. “It was Kate who clearly made the point, ‘History will judge this statement and unless this phrase or a phrase like it is included, everything that they have said will be taken as true.’ ”
Low went on to explain why Middleton should not be underestimated: “This was, said the source, yet another example of how Kate is often far steelier than she appears. “She does not get as much credit as she should, because she is so subtle about it. She is playing the long game. She has always got her eye on, ‘This is my life and my historic path and I am going to be the Queen one day.’ ” The toughened-up draft went to Buckingham Palace for approval and came back a couple of hours later. The Queen had said yes.”
The Princess of Wales seems to hide her cards well.
She is fighting for the legacy that is her husbands and son. She will stand and defend them to the death if she has to. She loves her husband and her son heritage, something that MM had no idea about. She has choosen to stand by them unlike that thing (her SIL) that is trying to destroy her own husband and all his family has stood for, for a millienia. How dare she, in lesser centuries she would have lost her head for this treason