There is a strict memo issued by Melania Trump and her team that says she should remain a mystery. According to a former first lady’s staff member, there is a preapproved list of words when talking about and describing her.
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, Melania Trump’s former advisor told The Washington Post: “It was a way to protect her by not letting anyone fully know who she is, Melania and I had an ongoing preapproved list of words to describe her, such as confident strong, and independent.”
It seems that even her husband, Donald Trump, has adhered to his wife’s rules of keeping all aspects of her life private and only using words she is satisfied with.
In a recent interview, the former president used words such as mystery, mysterious, and strong to talk about his spouse.
However, in a lengthy piece via Le Monde, Brigitte Macron, a literature teacher and wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, has decided to reveal all that she knows about Melania Trump.
Brigitte Macron, who certainly did not sign an NDA, used unapproved words to talk about Donald Trump’s wife. Madame Macron revealed that Melania Trump is actually, fun and loves to laugh.
She said: “Melania Trump is very sweet. But she has the upper hand over her husband. When, at a dinner party, she taps on her watch, her husband understands that it is time to get up and leave. And he complies. She has a strong personality.”
In another sit-down with Le Monde, via The Guardian, she painted a delightful, almost Monet-inspired portrait of Melania Trump.
She told the prestigious French publication that the former first lady is “kind, charming, intelligent and very open” and she “laughs very easily, at everything.”
The educator stated: “Everything is interpreted, over-interpreted. She’s someone who has a strong personality but works hard to hide it. She laughs very easily, at everything, but shows it less than I do.”
Brigitte Macron concluded by saying that she knows that she might say too much or that her words might be lost in translation, but she opted to remain the liberated French woman she is and speak her mind.
She shared: “I have to be careful what I say. I have the impression that every word is a word too many, and I’m constantly holding myself back. That’s the hardest part: there’s never really any time off, never a moment when you can be completely calm.”
Supporters of the former president will appreciate Macron’s perspective.