Donald Trump is discovering that some pictures are truly worth a thousand words. Unfortunately for the former president, some of the words used to describe this picture are embarrassing and disturbing.
Some are wondering why Melania Trump left him to walk out of the house like that. It has been a grandiose week for the former reality star turned politician.
He won the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, and several candidates dropped out of the race. He is now facing his former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.
However, Trump went viral for one of his most bizarre photos to date. The snapshot of the businessman was so shocking that many news agencies were forced to issue statements confirming that it was not Photoshop or AI-generated.
The picture in question features Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa wearing a blue suit and red tie. What is striking about the photograph is Trump’s face, which is a deep orange, almost brown color.
Critics pounced and said the former president’s visage looks like an overbaked turkey or skin that suffered a terrible sunburn.
Via Yahoo and Snopes, it was revealed that the jaw-dropping picture is authentic.
Agence France-Presse‘s (AFP) photojournalist, Tannen Maury, who snapped the picture, explained: “The picture is authentic. I took it on assignment for AFP.”
Snopes had this to say about the AFP‘s strict policies about the photos they release: “Ethical photojournalists typically do not enhance their photos with noticeable edits, whether it be with color or shadowing. AFP’s policy states there is “no excessive color manipulation” of its photos before publishing and that “only minor Photoshop work should be performed in the field, especially in bad lighting conditions.”
For those wondering why does Trump’s face look like rust, it has to do with his passion and love for a certain brand of makeup from Switzerland.
The Washington Post revealed: “Trump loved Tic Tacs. But not an arbitrary amount. He wanted, in his bedroom bureau at all times, two full containers of white Tic Tacs and one container that was half full. The same rule applied to the Bronx Colors-brand face makeup from Switzerland that Trump slathered on — two full containers, one-half full — even if it meant the housekeepers had to regularly bring new shirts from the pro shop because of the rust-colored stains on the collars. A special washing machine in the laundry room was reserved for his wife Melania Trump’s clothing.”
Even some supporters are staying quiet about this particular ordeal.