King Charles Drops This Shocker About Prince Harry’s Upcoming Trips To London

King Charles Queen Camilla Prince Harry Meghan Markle Dig

King Charles III decided to put a limit on everything linked to his youngest son, Prince Harry. He limits his love, time, and even access to the UK.

The former soldier’s revelations and accusations have caused a deep rift within the Royal Family, a wound that may never heal. He has completely broken the trust that he once had with his relatives by revealing private and confidential information to the media.

During his recent visit to the UK, King Charles dropped the hammer and a bombshell on Prince Harry. The Duke of Sussex, without his wife, Meghan Markle, made a personal sacrifice to be in his native country for an exceptional service, commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games.

Prince Harry, who was allowed to see His Majesty for 30 short minutes a few months ago, wanted to have another face-to-face with his cancer-stricken father.

King Charles was brutally clear — no meeting for Prince Harry this time because of his busy schedule of chemotherapy, garden parties, and other royal engagements.

Despite being invited, His Majesty also made a point not to attend Prince Harry’s service for the Invictus Games. The Monarch did not direct any monarchy members to attend the event.

A close friend of King Charles and Queen Camilla told The Daily Beast that the royals view Prince Harry’s quasi-royal activities as hostile.

The person shared: “Even if Charles genuinely was too busy to meet Harry and too short-staffed to send anyone to St Pauls,’ Charles’ aides could of course quite easily have issued a statement or posted a little message of congratulation for Invictus on his social media channels. The fact that they didn’t show they didn’t want to do anything to encourage Harry to spend more time in the U.K. Charles is never going to endorse a hostile, rival royal operation on his doorstep. Instead, Charles sent a clear message that he is not welcome to conduct official, quasi-royal events in the U.K. that distract from the monarchy’s message and agenda.”

Sources close to The King have explained that the King wishes Prince Harry would limit his trips to London. He wants a drama-free atmosphere because he is a 75-year-old man battling cancer after undergoing major surgery.

The royal insider stated: “No one trusted him before, and they certainly don’t know. Attacking his family when he knows they can’t answer back is rude, undignified, and childish. It’s also inconsiderate, to say the least, to make the life of an elderly man who has cancer more difficult. Charles is trying his hardest to do his job in challenging circumstances. Harry claims to love his family. He has a funny way of showing it. It’s reminiscent of how he spent the last months of Queen Elizabeth’s life saying how much he loved her while attacking the monarchy to which she had devoted her life. Nothing has changed. We are back to square one.”

Prince Harry’s actions might lead him to face the harsh reality of being limited and restricted in his own country.

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