King Charles Makes Brutal Promise To Prince Harry And Meghan Markle If They Say One More Negative Thing About Royal Family

King Charles Prince Harry Meghan Markle Trap

King Charles III has been in contact with his youngest son, Prince Harry, and his daughter-in-law, Meghan Markle, in the past few years.

His Majesty is reported to have had a serious and direct conversation with Prince Harry and indirectly with Markle following the publication of the bombshell memoir Spare.

The King made it clear that revealing embarrassing stories and pushing wild accusations against the Royal Family were no laughing matters.

According to a royal expert, King Charles delivered a stark warning to his son, making it clear that there would be significant repercussions if he persisted in his attacks on the Royal Family.

The King promised to cut ties with Prince Harry and Markle further if they said anything remotely negative about the Royal Family.

In a new interview with The Mirror, royal author and expert Tom Quinn revealed: “Harry has been directly instructed by his father not to write or publicly express anything further about the family or his brother that might cause trouble. It’s a well-known fact that when a king issues a command, disobedience comes with severe consequences.”

Prince Harry, in a show of respect for his father’s wishes, has chosen to no longer discuss the royals in public.

Gone are days when the former soldier would degrade and insult the heir, Prince William, or leak personal text messages written by Kate Middleton.

Prince Harry has also retired from sharing all his feelings towards Queen Camilla, the woman he calls evil and power-hungry.

Markle also bent to King Charles’s requests and stopped dropping bombshells about Kate Middleton, Prince William, and Queen Camilla.

She has been focused on building a brand and company that caters to people and their pets.

However, in their private conversations, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continue to express their unwavering desire for an apology from their British relatives for the pain they endured during their time as working royals.

He continued: “Over the years that Harry has complained about his treatment by his family he has had just one aim – to get an apology and to see his father and brother make amends. Harry just can’t see that complaining in private might work; complaining publicly just makes things worse, and in Harry’s case, that means more and more ties to his past being severed.”

Prince Harry and Markle struggle to return to the royal sphere.

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