Pauley Perrette has made it official; she will never ever return to NCIS because she is afraid of former co-star, Mark Harmon, who she claimed attacked her.
On Friday, Perrette decided to announce to the many fans who have been begging her to make an appearance on the hit CBSTV series.
In 2018, Perrette shocked the TV world by announcing that after being bullied by Harmon she was exiting the hit CBS drama series after 15 years as the bubbly forensics specialist, Abby Sciuto.
Sources close to the show claimed back then that Perrette was upset after Harmon’s dog attacked a crew member while on set and he refused to leave the pet at home.
In her latest tweets, she gave more details as to why she will not work with Harmon again.
You think I didn’t expect blow back? You got me wrong. THIS happened To my crew member and I fought like hell to keep it from happening again! To protect my crew! And then I was physically assaulted for saying NO!?and I lost my job. pic.twitter.com/PYwJcH95Mi
— Pauley Perrette (@PauleyP) June 7, 2019
The actress, 50, said she is “terrified” of Harmon, 67, and his actions towards her have given her nightmares.
She tweeted: “NO, I AM NOT COMING BACK! EVER! (Please stop asking?) I am terrified of Harmon and him attacking me. I have nightmares about it. I have a new show that is SAFE AND HAPPY! You’ll love it! #HappyPlace Love y’ all!”
Perrette later shared a disturbing picture that she claims to be an alleged crew member’s eye beaten up and in stitches and explained that she was also physically attacked and fired.
She captioned the picture: “You think I didn’t expect blowback? You got me wrong. THIS happened To my crew member, and I fought like hell to keep it from happening again! To protect my crew! And then I was physically assaulted for saying NO!? and I lost my job.”
In the past, Perrette had the support of her fans, but this time around, they are angry at her for sharing these new bombshells.
A fan told the Broke star that she will no longer support her for this reason: “This vague and cryptic stuff has got to stop. From all accounts, Harmon never attacked you. His dog attacked a crew member…again, not you…and then he refused to give in to your demands. I don’t know if you’re under an NDA or what but these cryptic tweets have got to stop.”
NO I AM NOT COMING BACK! EVER! (Please stop asking?) I am terrified of Harmon and him attacking me. I have nightmares about it. I have a new show that is SAFE AND HAPPY! You’ll love it!#HappyPlace Love y’all!
— Pauley Perrette (@PauleyP) June 7, 2019
Another commenter explained: “Pauley, I not following you any longer. Mark Harmon would never have attacked you. I know there was a problem with his dog but not him. The dog thing surprised me, too, as you advocate so much for dogs. Dogs can be startled & things happen. You made him seem like Mark attacked.”
This NCIS viewer told Miss Perrette: “Pauley. Love you as an actor, but you mislead millions with this post. It was Mark’s rescue dog, who went after another member of the crew -not you- from all the reports I read at the time. You asked MH not to bring the dog back to set; he refused, you got pissy & left.”
A person tired of the vagueness of the allegations against Harmon said: “The dog didn’t even attack you??? I understand being worried about the safety of others, but Mark took precautions and kept the dog on a leash/in his trailer? I know we only get a bit of the story, so why don’t you tell us the whole story then? #YoureBeingVague”
Do you think Harmon will ever address the matter? Do you support Perrette’s decision to share her story with the world?