An attack in the UK has left an 18-year-old girl named Ellie-Mae Mulholland severely beaten after assailants allegedly jumped her while shouting homophobic slurs.
The Hull incident has been widely publicized, with many people calling for justice for the girl and denouncing the attack publicly.
However, it is not clear if there has been any development on the case on the authorities’ side, as they have been relatively quiet about the incident after it became public.
According to reports from the girl’s sister, the real reason for the attack was the fact that one of the perpetrators owed her money and refused to return it when she asked about it when randomly meeting them on the street.
Stevie-Leigh Ansell, Ellie-Mae’s older sister, told HullLive: “Just by looking at her face they have had a really good go at her. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous.”
She added: “My younger sister was out and about on her way home from one of her friend’s house. She had seen a couple of her friends, who are usually her friends, and one of them owed her a tenner and Ellie asked about it. The lass said she never had it. Then they both beat her black and blue.”
The 22-year-old sibling continued with: “I feel I cannot let this happen to my sister because she is gay. I just feel really helpless. This is something daft over a tenner, and then all the gay stuff came out which I don’t see why it is such a problem. As soon as they have an argument, it is straight to her being a lesbian. Because she smokes, they won’t take her cigarettes off her because they say they will get lesbian germs.”
The girl was under the impression that she was friends with the attackers before the incident, and did not expect something like this to go down.
It is not clear why the attackers decided to go homophobic and call her an “F–king lesbian!” when beating her, and there has been speculation that this was just an attempt to cover up their original intentions.
In any case, the incident has received a lot of negative attention from multiple circles in the country, and many people have expressed their outrage over the situation.
The attack has received a lot of attention partly due to its timing, happening shortly after the conclusion of Pride Month, which saw widespread celebrations by many people and organizations around the world.
However, it is not very likely that the attack had anything to do with that in the first place, according to most people close to the story.
It did remind some of what happened to Melania Geymonat and her girlfriend, Chris, in May. Four arrests were made in that homophobic attack.