Amy Cooper, also known as Central Park “Karen,” who faced serious backlash after she called the police on a black man, Christian Cooper, in a park, has been getting into more and more trouble recently, and her situation seems to be deteriorating rapidly with every new statement revealed about her.
According to recent reports, Cooper was engaged in the stalking of a former love interest of hers, being annoyed at the man, Martin Priest, for voting for President Barack Obama in previous elections.
The reports have come out amidst many other similar claims – but it does seem like Cooper’s situation is becoming less and less pretty by the day.
Cooper herself has not addressed the situation in any way since the initial incident and follow-up consequences for her, and it does not look like she has any plans to do that either.
For the most part, her life has been affected pretty negatively by what went down, so it might be wiser for her to remain quiet for the time being.
At the same time, many people have been asking for more information about the case, and it looks like some of those inquiries have been directed straight at her.
Cooper has reportedly been limiting her contact with the public, however, especially in light of the recent global developments and the overall unrest in the country after the death of George Floyd.
It is hard to say at this point if her situation is going to be affected in any other way in the future as well, though it is definitely not looking very pretty at all.
Christian Cooper, the other party in the incident that took place in a New York park, has linked it to the larger issue of racism in America.
The Harvard-educated scientist told Gayle King: “She was going to tap into a deep, deep, dark vein of racism — of racial bias — that runs through this country and has done for centuries. She basically pulled the pin on the race grenade and tried to lob it at me.”
He continued: “Well, that’s a little bit of the irony, it had nothing to do with race. It was just a conflict between a dog-walker and a birder.”
This incident, coupled with other cases, has started the most in-depth reflection about race in America in generations.
Amy Cooper has lost her job and deleted her social media profiles after her tense encounter with the bird enthusiast.