Kate Middleton Went From Angry To Inconsolable After Meghan Markle Did This

Kate Middleton Meghan Markle New Book 'Finding Freedom' Prince Harry William Feud

Ever since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex shocked the world with the announcement that they were planning to step down from their positions as senior royals, royal experts have been speculating whether or not their surprising decision was made based on the fact that Meghan Markle could not fit in the traditional world of her new in-laws.

Besides, the Duchess of Sussex allegedly expressed the opinion that the royal family did nothing to protect her from the aggressive British tabloids that tormented her with a series of untruthful articles.

As a result, the Sussexes stated that they wanted to try to break free from the restrictions and rules they had to follow as working royals at the beginning of the year.

According to some royal commentators, the surprising decision of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex created a wide rift between them and the rest of the royal family and the tension was palpable during the last engagements of the Sussexes as working royals, as Prince William barely acknowledged the presence of his brother and sister-in-law.

Royal expert Camilla Tominey stated that during the last event, in which Prince Harry and Meghan participated before leaving the Firm, Prince William only greeted the couple briefly.

Harry was very distraught, as he allegedly confided to his wife “He literally said: ‘Hello, Harry’ and that was it and he didn’t say anything more than that.”

Although many blamed Meghan for distancing her husband from his family, a source close to the couple claimed that was never her intention, and she has always wanted Harry to remain close to his relatives.

As it turns out, Duchess of Sussex has created an even bigger divide between Harry and the rest of the royal family with her bombshell biography, Finding Freedom, that will be out next week.

In the book, Meghan claims that Kate failed to welcome her into the family. The former actress also blames Kate for not playing the role of the mediator when the fights erupted between Harry and William.

Kate was first angry to read the book, and her frustration turned into tears because she feels hurt by the accusations.

Royal author Andrew Morton said: “Kate has been left devastated by the feud enveloping the royal family. There’s no doubt the rift between Harry and William has deeply affected Kate. It upsets her.”

Phil Dampier said the scandalous book would do “little to heal the relationships” between the brothers.

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