As of recently, Elizabeth Hurley has been busy on social media giving her broad audience what they want — one stunning bikini photo after another.
The 54-year-old stunner, who has one the most envious bodies on social media, also posed in sizzling lingerie and sometimes removed her clothes to delight her almost 2 million followers.
The British star, who is isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic in her Herefordshire country home, took photos with the numerous family members — her 18-year-old son, Damian, and widowed mother, Angela — who are staying with her.
However, this week, the famous swimsuit designer, decided to share a post supporting the millions of people who have been protesting worldwide following the death of George Floyd after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin placed his knee on his neck for over 8 minutes.
There has been a global response led by the Black Lives Matter movement to the disturbing incident — people are marching to put an end to police brutality and systemic racism towards black people.
Hurley wrote: “BLACK LIVES MATTER #blackouttuesday.” Hurley’s effort was met with a series of angry and racist comments.
A woman, who is unhappy with Hurley’s message, wrote this eye-popping note: “ALL LIVES MATTER
Black Lives Matter is a domestic terror organization. I am completely lost when it comes to people buying into the whole “cops killing black people” narrative. I simply don’t understand it. None of the statistics back it up. Police kill more white people than black people. This obsession with victimization – I just don’t get it. And this “How Many Times” “Enough Is Enough” “They Killin Us” nonsense? People are acting like this happens all the time. It doesn’t. It’s actually remarkable it doesn’t happen more often. What’s more, puzzling is the protests/riots/looting and the people that support or accept it. Anyone protesting illegally should be jailed. And what’s even more puzzling is the people donating money to these ridiculous organizations. My mind is boggled.”
One of Hurley’s backers decided to school the Instagrammer above with a detailed explanation: “Ok, let’s digest this, shall we?
- black lives matter is a terrorist organization – actually, it’s a registered non-profit activism and social outreach group, but I can see how that can be confusing as outreach and terrorist sound so similar.
more whites are killed by cops – that’s always the first trope a Fox watcher throws out because the numbers SEEM to back it up, but they always leave out that whites commit crimes just as much as blacks (if not more) and that the black community only makes up for 25% of the population, so the rate of death by cop is higher for whites when you look at volume only, compare it with the 25% of the population variable, and it becomes disproportionate.
People are acting like this happens all the time – that’s because it does. According to mappingpoliceviolence.org (because our government doesn’t monitor the subject even for whites) in 2019, over 1000 people were killed by cops; of that, 17% were people of color. Adjust that with that 25% of the population variable from above, and you’ll see – regardless of color – this happens WAY too often.
People support or accept rioting and looting – I don’t think anyone does, that’s just your opinion. But MLK once said, “riots are the voice of the unheard,” so think about that for a minute. Moving on.
People who protest illegally should be arrest – peaceful assembly is protected under the 1st amendment of the constitution. So there is literally nothing illegal about protesting. Some could make the argument it’s fundamental for our democracy. Rioters and looters are not protesters. That is a false narrative., but again I can see how people are burning and steal looks similar to people holding signs and marching (sarcasm). I hope these facts can help unboggle your mind friend. Trying looking at and listening to others once and a while, you might just learn something. Or you can just keep being a troll, and I don’t really care. ✌?”
The nasty messages kept coming from people who do not see eye to eye with Hurley: “Black people are even prejudiced against themselves and among their community. They are always playing the race card. Racism has ever existed everywhere; it’s not just a white against black thing. They still want everyone to feel sorry for them. All lives matter. What happened in Minnesota was in no way ok, but to go from that to vandalize private property and assault the other officers who are doing their jobs that’s messed up. Those actions have consequences; if they are arrested, what are they going to say? Was I thrown in jail for being black? White? Yellow? And people will defend them because that’s called freedom of speech?”
A believer in the BLM cause explained: “All lives can’t matter until black lives matter. This isn’t about you. Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.”
Despite the drama, Hurley is not backing away and has refused to delete her powerful message.