Coco Austin has decided to ignore the constant shaming she goes through for posting sweet pictures where she is kissing her 4-year-old daughter, Chanel. The wife of actor Ice-T holds nothing back when it comes to her life.
The curvy model is known for sharing very suggestive photos of herself wearing sheer lingerie or tiny bikinis and sometimes nothing at all.
The fitness enthusiast also posts personal details about her marriage and family life on social media. Coco is also a proud mother who does not hide her affection for her only child.
Like Angelina Jolie and Tom Brady, Coco sometimes posts a picture where she is kissing her daughter on the lips, and critics who deem the act inappropriate do not miss the opportunity to bash her.
Recently, she dropped a few pictures and a video where she is first hugging her child and later giving her a smooch on the lips. It did not take long for the mom-shaming to begin.
One person said that they found the video inappropriate. The harsh comment read: “Stop freaking kissing your kids on the lips wtf. That’s not normal she makes out with her kid…hey I got more triggers for you to go crazy ….ready? This is very inappropriate… you’re not fit to be a parent.”
Another mother and grandmother said Coco is crossing the line with the way she shows affection to her daughter: “CROSSING the LINE with Your Beautiful little girl. Lord, let us pray. Is the baby your child or a partner when hubby is away?? ? and the fact that she’s still breastfeeding this grown azz kid is disturbing.”
A nuanced voice made this remark: “Not saying I agree or disagree with her… but whether you kiss your kids on the lips or not..doesn’t balance out you showing them love… Showing love is in more than just a kiss… snuggling, hugging, noses to nose.. runs or pats on the back, high fives, nose pinches.. etc…”
Ice-T’s wife’s had a few mothers, who agree with the way she showers her child with love. A social media user had this positive remark: “It’s so frustrating that we as a society have to take something innocent and pure such as a child showing their mother love and sexualize it. There is nothing sexual about this!! See it for what it is, people, and stop putting your own messed up intentions onto other people.”
This mom chimed in: “This is so nice to see. I have a 5-year-old, and she does the same thing. She was breastfed until she SELF weened at 2.5 years. If she had wanted to go longer, I would have. Honestly? Your post makes me feel better because I was worried that affection like this was weird. So, thank you for normalizing what is natural and healthy. We need more people to be open instead of people making situations like this sexual when it is clearly not. ?????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”
Most experts say parents are allowed to show affection towards their child; however, they please because it builds self-confidence. Meanwhile, some say the kiss on the lips method is just gross and wrong.