Donald Trump took on Candace Owens, and she came back with a low blow.
Recently, former President Donald Trump sat down with conservative author and activist Candace Owens to talk about the vaccines against COVID-19.
Trump, accused of mishandling the novel coronavirus when he was president, has made a 180-degree turn and is now an unapologetic advocate trying to convince Americans to get vaccinated.
After Donald Trump savagely destroyed Candace Owens, she came back to explain why his position on the COVID-19 vaccine has dramatically changed.
According to the podcast host, Trump is suddenly backing the jab because he is “old” and has difficulties reading the information about the matter on the Internet.
Candace Owens said: “People oftentimes forget that, like, how old Trump is. He comes from a generation — I’ve seen a lot of people who are older have the exact same perspective, like, they came from a time before TV, before the internet, before being able to conduct independent research. And everything they read to them that was in a newspaper that was pitched to them, they believed that that was a reality.”
Owens’s ageist comments came after Donald Trump made a hard push for people to take the COVID-19 vaccines, despite being at odds with some high-profile conservative voices.
On Wednesday, the former US president said that people who have not had the vaccine are getting “very sick” and even took credit for creating the three major vaccines.
However, Owens pointed out that more people have been listed as dying with COVID-19 this year under President Joe Biden than when Donald Trump was in office last year.
She was interrupted by Trump, who insisted that the vaccine works and said that those who are sick in hospital with coronavirus are the same people who have not had the vaccine.
Taking credit for the Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccinations, Donald Trump said it was supposed to take 5-12 years to develop the vaccines, but it took “less than nine months” while he was president.
While trying to sway conservatives to get the jab, he described the vaccines produced by these three major pharmaceutical companies as “very very good.”
The real estate mogul said: “I came up with a vaccine – with three vaccines. I came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.”
Trump emphasized that vaccines were still a choice that people make but said they would be “protected” if they went ahead and got it.
He described the results of the vaccination programs as “very good,” and claimed that people who are vaccinated get coronavirus in a “very minor form” and “aren’t dying.”
Democrats are applauding Trump for his decision to sell his base on the value of the COVID vaccines.
Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, shared Donald Trump’s comments on Twitter and tried to encourage other Americans to go and get the vaccine.
In the US, around 60% of the population has now had two vaccinations, including 90% of those who are over the age of 60. There has been a recent surge in cases, thought to be brought on by the new Omicron variant.
This trend is already being seen in Europe and other parts of the world, with some countries going into a new lockdown in response.