Tom Cruise might have been caught pulling one of the most hypocritical moves of all time on his youngest daughter, Suri Cruise.
The revelation that Cruise is dating former Russian model Elsina Khayrova left many baffled. The relationship raised a ton of questions about his tough stance on Suri Cruise.
According to reports, Cruise has been wining and dining with the Russian socialite. Cruise declared that money is no object when it comes to his new love.
He is also giving her the most important part of himself — his precious time. The Hollywood megastar, who is known for having an insane schedule that revolves around his movies, workouts, and promoting the Church of Scientology on two continents, has found time to be with Elsina Khayrova.
The pair have been seen on multiple outings in London, enjoying fancy dinners and parties with friends. A source told The Sun: “Since they’ve been in London, they have been going out and about without anyone noticing them. Last week, they went on a secret date to Winter Wonderland so they could see the attractions. It is a really romantic spot for couples — and Tom and Elsina blended in perfectly. He had people on hand to ensure they could be whisked away if they were spotted, but no one batted an eyelid. They walked around all the attractions and took it all in, just like everyone else.”
So this begs the question, why can’t Tom Cruise make time to be and see Suri Cruise? Why is Suri Cruise viewed as a suppressive person and the gorgeous bombshell from Russia is not.
Does the church allow Tom Cruise to have relationships with some people, but not with others? How can Tom Cruise be allowed by his religion to socialize and bond with a complete stranger yet not spend a birthday with Suri Cruise or go watch her perform at a school play?
At this point, many believe that Tom Cruise has chosen to be a hypocrite with his daughter while living a lavish life with models and high-profile actresses.
It has been confirmed that Katie Holmes is raising Suri Cruise as a single mother. It appears that Tom Cruise has had no contact with his youngest child since 2012.
Family members claimed that Suri Cruise is a well-grounded 17-year-old who has found ways to deal with this complex family dynamic put in place by her religious father, who is willing to change the rules for others, but not for her.